A beginner’s guide to FBC


Worship Service | 10:30 AM


Church Overview

Our church prioritizes the gatherings of the whole congregation, because that’s where the primary teaching is done and where the entire body, with all its parts most reflects the gospel of Christ.

On the other hand, we recognize how effective individual discipleship can be.

So in between these two ends of the spectrum we use small groups to connect the benefits of our ministry to the whole congregation and the ministry going on between individuals.

The atmosphere at FBC is one of acceptance and love. Because we believe strongly that all people matter to God and we want them to know they matter to us no matter where you are at in this journey called life.

Most people dress toward business-casual, though you can find anything from jeans to suits. People are very friendly, and will overwhelm you with love.

We start each Sunday morning at 9:30 am as we come together for our Small groups, in which we learn about God’s Word and its application to all areas of life.

Following that, we begin our Sunday morning worship gathering at 10:30am. As we find our seats in the Main auditorium , we sing songs to prepare our hearts for the service. 

Music & Worship

We strongly believe in celebratory inspiring worship at FBC as we look at God’s love and grace in our life.

The music we sing is a blend of old and new as we love the doctrinally rich hymns of the sixteenth century and find blessing in the choruses of the twenty-first.

Most of us who are comfortable with music from one particular era have discovered, while at FBC that we have come to enjoy other songs we had not previously encountered.

We strongly prefer congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God with one voice, over performed music, which tends to spotlight the abilities of some while encouraging passivity in the rest.

Service Content

 Our service formally begins @ 10:30 AM, led most often by an elder or pastoral staff member.

During this time we celebrate together with great music, life giving teaching, scripture reading, and prayer.

We do not take offerings in our church so there will be no pressure for you to give financially. We strongly believe that you should believe in our mission before you commit to financially giving TOWARDS that mission.


Preaching at FBC is generally expositional, (meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a particular Biblical passage) practical, and relevant as we believe this is the catalyst for transformation in individuals lives.

Sermons usually last around 40 minutes and are packed with material for reflection.

On a regular basis, our sermon series alternate between the Old and New Testaments and All our teaching is driven by the Gospel; the Bible’s main message of God saving us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


.After the service we provide light refreshments in the foyer to encourage fellowship. An hour later, you might still find folks talking over the sermon and events of the past week.

Family ministries

We believe that ministries to children and teenagers should be given high priority. We’re committed to making FBC a center for reaching, encouraging and developing families in our area. Our children’s ministry meets on Sunday mornings starting @ 9:30 and Youth group meets Wednesday evenings @ 6:30.

Small Groups

The heart of our mission at FBC is carried out in our small groups through out the week. Our small groups are Gospel centered communities in which people are sharing life and faith with one another and with unbelievers. Our mission is not to launch new events to draw crowds, but to use relational opportunities that creat a safe space for deeping ones faith.

Our desire for small group are displayed in our values:

We desire our groups to be AUTHENTIC: We all crave something authentic and we need to build our group on the qualities of being real and transparent with one another. Oftentimes, small groups market out of routine or obligation from a church. And when a small group is only focused on a “schedule”, the depth of relationships can be shallow. The shallow small talk about daily life will be overshadowed by discussion about our struggles and doubts.

We desire our groups to be MISSIONAL: Our small groups exist to serve one another and to serve others. Each month we will have a time where we will be out in the community serving others in various ways. Sometimes, it will be at the abortion mill, feeding the homeless, helping a neighbor, participating in community events, and serving our community. Serving together is more than being a good citizen; it bring depth in our relationships.

We desire our small groups to be a FAMILY: Our goal is to act and treat each other like family. Families share life around a meal. It takes intentional one on one time together because real-life conversations happen in real life situations. So we strive to learn each other’s stories, vocations, and passions.